Friday 22 October 2010

Analysis of XXL Magazine (3)

The genre for this magazine is Hip Hop. I have chosen this because all the other magazines that I have chosen are also Hip Hop and I find it easy to analyse. The target audience for this magazine is teenagers who like Hip Hop. You can tell this by the way Lil Wayne's facial expression. You can also tell by the font of the the magazine.

The main image is of Hip Hop recording artist Lil Wayne. He is one of the most famous rappers alive and is considered by some the best rapper in the world. The image relates to the magazine because the magazine is a Hip Hop magazine and the main image is of a Hip Hop artist so it does relate to the music genre. The image is framed by the camera shot just cutting off at Lil Wayne's chest. You can see his face and tattooed chest and vest. The effect that this has is that you can see his facial expression and you can just see and know what he is feeling. The clothes that he is wearing is a white sleeveless vest and a baseball cap. The effect that this has is that he is dressed informal. Also many Hip Hop artists wear these type of caps and this is now some sort of fashion trend. Lil Wayne is not wearing any make-up beacause he is dressed informally and you can not see him wearing any. The colours that have been used are Red, White, Blue. The white and the blue contribute to the mood of the magazine because they are calm colours but from the expression on Lil Wayne's he is not looking calm. The red is in the logo of the magazine and it is on all XXL magazines. The image relates to the target audience because Lil Wayne is dressed like how teenagers that are Hip Hop fans dress up like everyday. Also he has lots of tattoo and this makes the audience think wow and they want tattoo's.

The magazine is called XXL Magazine. This reflects that the information and stories in the magazine are big and this is why the XXL stands for 'Extra Extra Large'. Also this reflects the target audience for this magazine are special because they read XXL magazine. There are a number of fonts used on the magazine but the main story of the magazie is about Lil Wayne and 'Lil' is written in old school italic and 'Wayne' is written in some sort of bold, thick font. The effect that this has is the magazine looks more interesting and stylish.. The text on the magazine is written around his face. You can see that there are some singers are written on the left hand side of this face which tells you what is included in the magazine and the size it is written in is quite small conpared to the other text. 'Lil Wayne' is written in a very big font almost the size of the title of the magazine. This is important because this is what catches the buyers attention and it also is the main story of the magazine.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Analysis of Magazine 2 (XXL)

The music genre for this magazine is Hip Hop. The target audience for this particular magazine is teenagers because the majority of people who listen to Hip Hop are people aged between 14-20. I can tell by the way Eminem is dressed. He is wearing a holster and many people who listen to Hip Hop would wear a holster for fashion.
The main image is of rapper Eminem who is considered by some the greatest rapper alive. He is also a record producer and actor. The genre of music he does is Hip Hop and this is how he relates to the Magazine. The image is framed all the way around him but cuts off at the waist. The effect that this has is that Eminem stands out and this makes the magazine more exclusive. The clothes that Eminem is wearing is only a holster. He does not have any make up on because most rappers would prefer to have a natural look. The only prop on the cover is the gun that is in the hostler which he is holding and looks like he is about to take out. The colours that have been used are Black, Red and White. The red and white is because that is that the logo of the magazine is and the black is because of the background of the photo taken. There also is yellow used in the puff which is at the top right corner of the magazine. The black contributes to the mood of the magazine because this makes to the rapper look more serious and scary. The image relates to the target audience because everyone that is a Hip Hop fan is not a Hip Hop fan if they have not heard of Eminem. He is like the biggest and most famous Hip Hop artist around and this makes the reader want to buy the magazine.

The Magazine is called XXL and this stands for Extra Extra Large. The reason it is called that is because the content inside it considered very big and the size of the magazine literally. This relfects the content and target audience because it shows that the people that read it are reading a really big Hip Hop magazine. The font that has been used for the title of the magazine looks bold and big. It also stands out even though the 'L' is half covered behind Eminem's head. The copy has been placed at the bottom of the magazine and it says "Vengance is EMINEM" and the word Eminem is written in a very large size and alsmost the size of the title of the magazine. Also the second 'E' in Eminem is written the wrong way round by purpose and this is to make the magazine look more 'wow' and more interesting. This is important because this is what a regular XXL magazine buyer would read first and it will make them want to buy it and also it makes other people want ot pick it up and read it.

Monday 18 October 2010

Double Page Spread Analysis

This is double page spread from VIBE magazine that I will be analysing. The text/information on the double page spread is going down in columns. The story goes downwards and then around the image in the centre of the magazine. The purpose of the article is to inform the readers about the recent interview with reggae dancehall musician Mavado. The double page spread conforms with the house style because of the font. There is not a title to the article but there is just a quote from Mavado which says "Everybody wanna see, what's mavado gonna do? Who's goin up against Mavado? Who's gonna die?" This has an effect on all of Mavado's fans because it is the latest interview with the big star from Jamaica.

 The conventions that are used are the quotes. The image size for the article is average because there is a lot of information and only one image. The image is of Mavado with a little girl in the Jamaica  and they both look sad. This is used to make the reader feel sorry for the little girl and it shows she lives in a poor environment. In the background of the image you can see other men sitting around in some poor area. But you can se three other people who are wearing sunglasses and they seem to be Mavado's bodyguards. The text size is very small and lots of information is squeezed onto one page. The article is about something that is really happening and this links back to the magazine because the magazine is about serious and real things that are happening in Hip Hop. The tone of the magazine is friendly but serious and this also links back to the magazine. There is no intertextuality throughout the double page spread.

VIBE Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This is the contents page for VIBE magazine. The layout of the magazine is like 'old school'. The contents on the page are in two columns. The ratio of the text on the magazine is  very different. This is because the text is very small and the main focus is the background image. For my analysis I did not choose the same magazine for the front cover and the contents page so only the font of the 'Contents' is the same font as the strap lines on the front cover. This links to the serious genre of the magazine. The features that make people want to buy this magazine is the big stories and the interviews that VIBE get from famous hip-hop artists make the magazine exclusive. There are 2 images on the contents page, one is the background and the other is the little image of the front cover. The mise on scene keeps with the genre because the main image is of reggae artist Mavado and the image is black and white which makes the magazine look like of those collectors item magazines.

The linguistic features that are used to persuade people to buy this magazine are the very famous interviews inside and the theme of the magazine just makes you want to buy it. There also is a letter from the editor included in the magazine. The picture is black and white and to anchor the image and the text the text is black aswell and this makes the text look written in the sky in the background. There is no humour used on the contents page at all because all the featured peoples expressions on there face are normal not happy and not sad. The effect this has on the readers is that this is not any joke magazine and its information is real not to made up. All the features in the magazine are easy to find because on the contents page there are sections such as 'Departments', 'V Style' and 'Seen'. 

Monday 11 October 2010

Vibe Magazine Analysis

The title of the magazine is Vibe. The genre for this magazine is hip-hop. The main image is of recording artist Drake who is most famous for being in Lil Wayne's record label Young Money Entertainment. He is a rising star in Hip-Hip and very famous globally. 

The target audience for this particular magazine would be people interested in hip-hop which in these time are teenagers. You can tell this by the rapper's posture and the way he is standing. You can also know by the way he is dressed because many teenagers would like to dress as their role models and favourite singer. As you can see Drake is wearing a baseball cap and many teenagers who are fans of hip-hop wear these particular caps aswell. 

The main image is a medium close-up of Drake in a natural pose. He is making eye-contact with the reader and this is how the reader interacts with the magazine. The image does relates to the music genre  because most rappers and hip-hop artists would be seen also wearing a baseball cap just like Drake, such as Lil Wayne, The Game and Jay-Z.

The image is framed around Drake and the shot taken straight on at him. The frame cuts through his elbows. The clothes that Drake is wearing are black (black cap and black shirt). he is not wearing any make-up as you can see because most male Hip-Hop artist would prefer to wear any. The colours that have been used are Black, Yellow and White. This contribute to the mood because black and white symbolizes unstoppability and the yellow is used to make the magazine stand out from the others. Also the black and white makes the magazine look more serious. The image relates to the audience because most men around his age would give a standard serious pose for a magazine. The facial expression of the Hip-Hop artist is natural and looks like nobody can stop him from doing what he does. 

The name of the magazine is VIBE and Vibe means emotional atmosphere and it also means the rhythm of a song. This reflects the content and target audience because in the magazine it tells you about how these Hip-Hop artists feel about there passion for hip-hop and how they feel. The typeface that has been used for the name of the magazine is a thick 'impact' like font and the font for the strap lines looks like normal font like 'arial'. The copy has been put around Drake, the text is around him. The size of the text is average, not too big and not too small. The important strap lines are a little bigger size than the less important ones.

Front Cover of my Lordswood Magazine

This is the front cover of my magazine. For the background I chose a student playing basketball which shows the school is has a basketball academy. I have also included a price tag and season edition in the magazine to make it look more realistic. To show what is inside I have made a strip of contents at the bottom of the magazine. I chose this particular font because it looks like its written by a student and this makes it look more like a school magazine. The colours that I have chosen are red and blue. The blue is because that is the Lordswood sixth form school colour and the red is because it goes well with the blue. Also the colours make the magazine stand out and the they are consistent.

Contents Page Analysis

This is the contents page to my Lordswood magazine. I have kept the same theme by keeping the colour and background image the same. I used an overlay effect to the background image to give it a red look. The font for all the text that i used is 'Handwriting- Dakota'. In the top right corner i have put the Lordswood Girls School and sixth form centre logo and used a overlay effect on that image aswell. I used a circle shape to go on top of the numbers to make it look much better and that layer is above the background image so you get a see through kind of effect. I tilted 'contents page' a bit so it looks more stylish. I could have improved this page by changing the font colour to make the text look a bit more brighter. I also could of changed the red in the background to make it look a bit different from the front cover.