Monday 18 October 2010

Double Page Spread Analysis

This is double page spread from VIBE magazine that I will be analysing. The text/information on the double page spread is going down in columns. The story goes downwards and then around the image in the centre of the magazine. The purpose of the article is to inform the readers about the recent interview with reggae dancehall musician Mavado. The double page spread conforms with the house style because of the font. There is not a title to the article but there is just a quote from Mavado which says "Everybody wanna see, what's mavado gonna do? Who's goin up against Mavado? Who's gonna die?" This has an effect on all of Mavado's fans because it is the latest interview with the big star from Jamaica.

 The conventions that are used are the quotes. The image size for the article is average because there is a lot of information and only one image. The image is of Mavado with a little girl in the Jamaica  and they both look sad. This is used to make the reader feel sorry for the little girl and it shows she lives in a poor environment. In the background of the image you can see other men sitting around in some poor area. But you can se three other people who are wearing sunglasses and they seem to be Mavado's bodyguards. The text size is very small and lots of information is squeezed onto one page. The article is about something that is really happening and this links back to the magazine because the magazine is about serious and real things that are happening in Hip Hop. The tone of the magazine is friendly but serious and this also links back to the magazine. There is no intertextuality throughout the double page spread.

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