Wednesday 20 October 2010

Analysis of Magazine 2 (XXL)

The music genre for this magazine is Hip Hop. The target audience for this particular magazine is teenagers because the majority of people who listen to Hip Hop are people aged between 14-20. I can tell by the way Eminem is dressed. He is wearing a holster and many people who listen to Hip Hop would wear a holster for fashion.
The main image is of rapper Eminem who is considered by some the greatest rapper alive. He is also a record producer and actor. The genre of music he does is Hip Hop and this is how he relates to the Magazine. The image is framed all the way around him but cuts off at the waist. The effect that this has is that Eminem stands out and this makes the magazine more exclusive. The clothes that Eminem is wearing is only a holster. He does not have any make up on because most rappers would prefer to have a natural look. The only prop on the cover is the gun that is in the hostler which he is holding and looks like he is about to take out. The colours that have been used are Black, Red and White. The red and white is because that is that the logo of the magazine is and the black is because of the background of the photo taken. There also is yellow used in the puff which is at the top right corner of the magazine. The black contributes to the mood of the magazine because this makes to the rapper look more serious and scary. The image relates to the target audience because everyone that is a Hip Hop fan is not a Hip Hop fan if they have not heard of Eminem. He is like the biggest and most famous Hip Hop artist around and this makes the reader want to buy the magazine.

The Magazine is called XXL and this stands for Extra Extra Large. The reason it is called that is because the content inside it considered very big and the size of the magazine literally. This relfects the content and target audience because it shows that the people that read it are reading a really big Hip Hop magazine. The font that has been used for the title of the magazine looks bold and big. It also stands out even though the 'L' is half covered behind Eminem's head. The copy has been placed at the bottom of the magazine and it says "Vengance is EMINEM" and the word Eminem is written in a very large size and alsmost the size of the title of the magazine. Also the second 'E' in Eminem is written the wrong way round by purpose and this is to make the magazine look more 'wow' and more interesting. This is important because this is what a regular XXL magazine buyer would read first and it will make them want to buy it and also it makes other people want ot pick it up and read it.

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